About Us the Pursuit of Excellence through the Joy of Irish Dance
The Dwyer School of Irish Dance

The Irish Culture has a deep rooted dance history; this dance form is physically challenging and requires the dancer to be athletically fit. The Dwyer School of Irish Dance was formed to promote this artistic form in an environment that is positive and self-assuring. Our dancers are given the confidence to reach their full potential both physically and mentally. Our mission is to develop well rounded individuals in an environment where achieving personal goals, assisting fellow dancers, volunteering and promoting Irish culture in the community is paramount.

The Dwyer School will offer multi level training programs tailored to each dancer’s needs.  The teachers will work with each dancer and their parents on a regular basis to identify short and long term goals.  Having a well structured program that trains and supports them, will ensure our dancers reach those goals they have set for themselves.

The Dwyer School is excited to provide dancers with the tools to help them develop and achieve their goals.  We look forward to watching our dancers’ progress and grow into successful young adults.

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